Hagiyakiya Multiplied by Japanese ceramic artists

Hagiyakiya Multiply


Hagiyakiya online store will start weekly artist’s Exhibition of other than Hagi ceramic artist from early 2019.
With a focus on Western Japan, Kyo ware, Kiyomizu ware, Tanba ware, Bizen ware, Arita ware, Imari ware, Karatsu ware, Takatori ware,
and many more popular artists or veteran artists will participate in this Exhibition.

And this Exhibition will be hold 10 days, twice a month.
You can go into the Exhibition page from the top page of Hagiyakiya website.
We will set up an special banner for the Exhibition and take you to the special amazing Japanese ceramic world.


Prospective participant Artists.( will be added sequentially)

丹波焼 Tanba ware:

市野ちさと Chisato Ichino, 丹泉窯 Tansen Kiln,

大上伊代 Iyo Ogami, 大熊窯 Okuma Kiln,

清水圭一 Keiichi Shimizu, かねと窯 Kaneto Kiln,

清水剛 Tsuyoshi Shimizu, 俊彦窯 Toshihiko Kiln,

仲岡信人 Nobuhito Nakaoka, 信凛窯 Shinrin Kiln,


備前焼 Bizen ware:

高原卓史 Takushi Takahara,

友利幸夫 Yukio Tomori,

馬場隆志 Takashi Baba,

脇本博之 Hiroyuki Wakimoto,


唐津焼 Karatsu ware:

岸田匡啓 Masahiro Kishida, 鳥巣窯 Torisu Kiln,

田中孝太 Kota Tanaka, 坊中窯 Bochu Kiln,

浜野まゆみ Mayumi Hamano,

藤ノ木陽太郎 Yotaro Fujinoki, 土平窯 Dohei Kiln,

安永頼山 Raizan Yasunaga,

矢野直人 Naoto Yano, 殿山窯 Tonoyama Kiln,


伊万里焼 Imari ware:
渡邊新平 Shinpei Watanabe, 只々堂窯 Tatado Kiln,


有田焼 Arita ware:
庄村久喜 Hisaki Shomura, 晩香窯 Banko Kiln,

井上祐希 Yuki Inoue, 井上萬二窯 Inoue Manji Kiln,

村上俊彦 村上邦彦 Toshihiko and Kunihiko Murakami, 玄輝陶房 Genki Kiln,


高取焼 Takatori ware:
高取忍 Shinobu Takatori, 高取八仙


高田焼 Koda ware:
江上晋 Shin egami, 竜元窯


信楽焼 Shigaraki ware:

澤克典 Katsunori Sawa,

篠原希 Nozomu Shinohara,



高柳むつみ Mutsumi Takayanagi

津金日人夢 Hitomu Tsugane, 御船窯 Mifune Kiln,

平岡仁 Jin Hiraoka

And more,,



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