
Hagiyakiya instagram Followers Exceeded 600!

Hagiyakiya instagram Followers Exceeded 600!


Thank you for following Hagiyakiya’s instagram.

The followers exceeded 600.


We will try to upload Hagi or other Japanese ceramics much more.


If  you didn’t see Hagiyakiya’s instagram yet, please check it.


Many artists are following our instagram from all over the world.

You can also check those artist’s works from instagram.


We would be very happy if people of the world feel joy through ceramic art.

Thank you so much!



We really welcome Overseas order.

■Free shippinng to Australia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Israel, Indonesia, India,

South Korea, Mexico, Malyasia, Panama, Philippines,Puerto Rico, Taiwan, U.S.A., Hong Kong, Singapore, Macao.


※Cheap shipping rate is to Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland,

France, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary,Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland,

Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Vietnam


*We have another website for introducing unique Japanese ceramics and porcelains.

You can also check this website.

Japanese Ceramics


*We will inform Hagiyakiya’s news by E-mail.

Please register your information from here.

The information you share with Hagiyakiya allows us to provide the Japanese works and events we have.