
Youtaro Fujinoki, Karatsu ware potter.

From September 18th, an exhibition of Karatsu ware potter Youtaro Fujinoki.


Even if he uses a glaze with a strong presence such as Chousen-Garatsu, the well-crafted and beautiful shape does not lose its elegance.

Matcha chawan tea bowls are one of the important tools in the tea ceremony, but matcha tea bowls are not always the most important.

It’s just one tool that welcomes guests, enjoys time with the guests, and also enjoys tea.

Matcha bowls should not strongly insist their existence, but they must also have a presence to liven up the time.

From his work, we can fully feel the “harmony” to avoid conflict with surrounding other things that the Japanese cherish.


Youtaro Fujinoki was born in 1981 and is a potter who has his own relaxing time.

I hope that you can imagine and get feel, Mr. Youtaro Fujinoki’s personality, the land surrounded by the mountains of Karatsu from his works. Don’t forget to think about how you can enjoy tea and drinking time with his work, decorating flowers and loving it,


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